Thursday, December 30, 2010
7 kinds of thoughts
Heard this this morning and it's so true.
We live our life in these seven thoughts. It's a journey of our whole life, and we are the only one who creates these thoughts. Which thought to put into action is in our hands.
1.toxic thoughts (anger,fear,jealousy)
2.negative thoughts (despair,illness,seeing fault of others)
3.waste thoughts (example while studying, thinking of playing)
4.necessary thoughts (example if you want to cook you have to think )
5,right thoughts (see the situation as it is,don't exaggerate)
6.positive thoughts (you think positively about everything)
7.elevated thoughts (these thoughts have positive energy within them )
spiritual thoughts.
Its up to you what kind of thoughts you want to think... the choice is as always yours. Be aware of what you are thinking and you will be amazed with your thoughts and you will see the change.
Just try it and see.
Think what you think.
Think beautiful
Think big
Think forgiving
Love you,
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Titanic thoughts
When you see a good movie, you'll may think it was good but you will probably forget it in a few months. But when you see a great, high intense, emotional movie where you were engaged and thought and felt every aspect of the movie, such as Titanic, you will remember it forever.
We get so into our daily routine, social life, family and friends that we forget to think consciously about ourselves. We sometimes don't even think from our own mind as we have become so mindless that whatever someone says, we just go with that.
We hear more about heart attacks nowadays because our hearts respond to what our mind thinks and of course it responds more when our minds are emotionally engaged. For example, heart attacks generally occur due to an improper diet and lack of exercise, but if we conscientiously thought about what we eat and the importance of exercise, our hearts would follow our minds and we'd take better care of our health.
Our nerves form a gang line and make a circuit, and when we think, the thought is created in our body and passes through this circuit. If it's an emotionally intense thought in which we've used our mind and heart to think, the thought will pass through the circuit and embed in our brain, which we will remember for a long time.
My point here is to not think mindlessly in your decisions. Be aware of what you think, because if you take time to connect with your mind and heart (like in Titanic), you will make a conscientious decision instead of just "going with the flow"...which you might regret the next day or later in life.
Start with a simple step every night....when you charge your cell phone, don't forget to charge yourself. Take 5 minutes and quiet your mind, erase any of the negative messages of the day and charge yourself with the positive messages, so you can be ready for the next day. So tonight...have a good night, shub raatri and shubba khier.
take care,
love you,
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Head on
When you hear that some kind of virus is spreading, or a storm is coming or when you see another driver coming towards you....what do you do? We protect ourselves - we get vaccinated for the virus, stay indoors when the storm in coming, and move out of the way to avoid a car accident.
We always try to protect our self physically (outer self)but we forget to take care of our inner self. Whenever we are emotionally hurt, we go "head on" with the situation. "He said this"..."she said that"..."i am going to get him"..."he hurt me"...."i am also going to do it so he will know how it feels". Even worse, we withdraw and keep our issues inside of us.
We keep thinking "what should i do so he/she can understand?" We always forget to think about ourselves and take care of our inner-self. If someone says something that affects you, ask yourself if you want to go "head on" with the situation or find another way to take care and protect yourself. There will be situations that you will have to go "head on", but there will also be situations that will be like a virus, a storm, or an oncoming car, and you do not have to go "head on" to protect yourself.
Take care
Love ya
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Forgive and Forget
There was this girl who was known to be able to talk to God.
There was this very skeptical priest who heard about her and challenged her to ask God about three sins he committed which only the Priest and God would know about. The girl prayed for five minutes and said, "God told me that he forgave you and forgot your sins 20 years ago."
The point is, we keep holding onto our wrong doing in the past,or we keep holding onto a grudge from the past.....we should forgive ourselves and others and move on and look towards the future.
We cannot change our past, it's better to forgive and forget it, and live in the present.
Love ya,
inside= outside---outside= inside
We always wonder "Am I doing everything right? Why am I not getting results?" Whether it's with our job, friends, spouse, teacher, students, parents...........
Whatever we are feeling inside should be on the outside and whatever we are expressing outside, should also be on the inside. For instance; your thoughts, your speech and your emotions should express the same thing.
So, whatever you are doing give that moment your utmost attention and your very best. Make that moment the best and then next minute is going to be best and the next even better.
love u
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Be happy
We all love money, spend our all our lifetime to earn it, grow it, and collect it.
We get up early to go to work, come home late at night(because we had to do some overtime). Its a very normal routine for almost everyone, but in this everyday routine of earning money, we often forget why we are doing this. Is it for children, good education, nice home,vacation........?
We all are doing this only to be happy and by the end of a hard day of work we earned it. So no matter what happens all day...when you come home the biggest smile (like Julia Robbert) you can...take that moment to enjoy and be happy!
Take care
Love ya
Friday, October 29, 2010
When we get up in the morning, we are so charged, ready to start the day. However, throughout the day, how we use our mental energy is in our hands and and triggered by our thoughts. However, many of our thoughts are consumed by some kind of worry. We don't even know if what we are worrying about is going to happen or not. Then, by the end of the day without doing anything we are so depleted and heavy.
Worrying destroys our creativity of our consciousness. For once we start worrying, it is such a powerful thought its like termite that slowly eats away at us. Our mind starts racing and constantly thinking about something new and becomes almost impossible to stop once it starts.
Worrying about little things is the greatest misuse of our mental energy. Stress, anger, hurt, worries are all things we think about. These are natural we all have and they are part of our life. We have to worry for our kids, family. Sometimes it is our worries that becomes our strength since worrying about someone or something shows that we care. Typically, what we do when we worry? We create a scene...a picture of a future which is not even there. It just disconnects us from our PRESENT.
Worrying is the most easiest way of avoiding the present, because the present always seems very challenging. We forget everything is now...peace is now...happiness is is now. We don't want to face reality now but worrying doesn't help. Try to create stability in your mind..your energy is very precious. THINK again next time you start worrying about little it worth of your time?
Be present in the present moment, smile and be happy now
Take care
Love ya
Friday, October 22, 2010
I read something very interesting this morning,
So, you are holding a glass of water. Just imagine if you have to hold it for whole day. What will happen? Your hand will get tired, your fingers will get stiff, etc. Same way if you are holding your stress the whole day, what will happen? You become irritatable, angry,etc.
So in the office every now and then pour that water out from your glass and when you are with your family make a habit of leaving that glass outside your home.
Enjoy your day.
Friday, October 1, 2010
When someone reacts negatively to you, you wonder why people do this to you and we blame others. For we always think we are right, we always say "what’s their problem"? When others see us how we react to any situation they will react accordingly. We may be the one who are causing them to react that way but we always tend we blame others.
I learned a very interesting way to see this. Witness yourself everyday, at least for an hour and then keep increasing the time increment. Talk out loud and be a witness to yourself. Notice how you are sitting in a chair and ask yourself, do you like the way you are sitting? If not straighten yourself up. While eating, do you like what’s on your plate? When you are speaking, do you like the tone of your voice? Is it a tone that we don't like when someone else is talking to us? If you start witnessing yourself you will see, that what your actions or words don't necessarily match up with what you THINK or FEEL.
So just see yourself from your very own eyes and be your own witness. Life is just like a movie. You are directing every second and all takes are final, no retakes.
Witness yourself and then check yourself. If the shot is ok, then say "CUT"!
As always... love you guys..
Friday, September 24, 2010
Time Management
We always talk about time management and how we have to be better about managing our time properly. At home, parents have work to do and also have to help kids with their homework and activities. At work, projects have to be completed in time and you make your entire day planned hour by hour. Just think what happens if you are even a little disturb about something? What happens the next minute? Do you still follow your time schedule? Things just go hay wire and you run behind on your "hour by hour plan" and so you try to crunch that time in your next hour.
So what is time management? Things will run smoothly if and only if you have "time management" in your thoughts and in your responses. So , when other people's actions and situations that are not in our control throw your off course, take the time out to manage your mind in that moment and the rest of your day will run smoothly, even if it is a little off your "schedule".
Take care
Love ya
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Past? Future? PRESENT
A very interesting thought about being PRESENT in the moment. Have you ever thought about your personalty? Are you the worrying kind or a dreamer about your future and the desiring type of person?
All these are not living in the moment for worrying about future or someone who is not in your control to dreaming and always thinking about something good that could happen, again are not in your control. We let these things that happened or don't happen make us upset, angry and feel hopeless. We get attached to the FUTURE and to the PAST.
THINK if you are in control of your PRESENT moment the next moment will be ok. What ever is happening right now is the result of past and you had a part in creating that. Instead of getting attached to something in the future would be take care of it NOW. IF YOU LIVE IN FEAR OF PAST OR FUTURE YOU ARE LOSING YOUR ENERGY.
We always say..."Oh, I don't feel enthusiastic..have no motivation". Make goals and don't wait till you feel your completely happy ready.
We need to seriously check are we doing everything NOW, is your foundation of your thoughts are solid NOW, think . Do everything you can to do very BEST IN YOUR PRESENT MOMENT and life's puzzle pieces will fit right in its places. Life is meant to be lightly, change will come.
Take care now
Love ya,
Monday, September 13, 2010
When someone dies close to us and at a very young age, we wonder what's the use of this life...there is no purpose to live anymore. Up till now we took care of that person, and now we still have to continue to live. No matter how much we cry, we have to eat, work, sleep etc. How do we take care of our self in these situation.
We are human beings, we are the combination of two entities. One part is the body. The word human which comes out from the word humus part that is mud (mitti)and being is energy consciousness. We know the body is ours, but who are we? We are also the energy and we have to understand that energy can neither be created nor be destroyed. In spiritual language we call it our soul or our spirit.
All our life we live in fear of death but what is the concept of death. Its our life exam paper. Its based on our karmic connection, our account once its settled the soul leaves and have to start its new journey.
So, I believe that we cry or are sad, we are sending our sad energy to our loved ones. Think...when someone who lives out of town calls us and we are sick, what we do we say?...We say everything is ok because we don't want them to worry. So next time if you remember your family member who are no more with you, put a smile on your face and tell him you are ok, don't worry and enjoy your life wherever you are. It is difficult but try to send a happy peaceful feeling.
Take care
Thursday, September 9, 2010
My Company
Working for your own or for someone else, you are thinking how to improve and to do the best for your company. Have you ever thought of your own very personal company...which is your brain.
We think 25 to 30 thoughts per minutes in normal state in whole day that is almost 40 thousand thoughts and by the end of the day that is totally your production,exclusively made from your COMPANY by YOU.
Just for a day or for even a couple of hours, take the time to be that boss of your company and if you are happy with what you are producing. Fire the ones that are not good, and keep the ones which you know are producing QUALITY.
Be a boss of thoughts of quality, of stability, of silence and of stillness. Amazingly your company will grow and you will be on top.
Take care of your company...
Love ya
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Remote Control
My husband loves to watch TV and the remote control has to be in his hand. Sometimes it is embarrassing when we go to our friends' house because he just takes the remote in his hand. Upon request, he changes the channel, but he has to hold the remote control.
I was thinking our life is like TV. We experience in the moment emotionally and physically what we are watching on a comedy-we laugh, during a sad moment-we cry and during a fighting scene-our hands clenched up. We get into it the story and even get carried away as we watch TV. We can change that emotion instantly because we can change the channel when we want to....because THE REMOTE is in our hand.
In real life we do not always hold our own remote control and tend to let other people hold it...we give them control and let them change our channels.
Keep hold of your remote. No one can make you angry, upset, sad or's you who has the control.
Take care
Love ya
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Life's Routines
Everything is the same routine in your daily life…what time you wake up, what time you eat, what time you start and finish work. Every breath you breathe in and every breath you breath out, your daily physical routine is the same and it seems “boring” to you. Have you ever thought about your pure soul that is inside you? You should THINK and FEEL that you are alive, you have experiences everyday that you should feel – it does not have to be boring and routine. You have to create the emotion of love in the things you do, but you can only achieve that when you are in the state of KNOWINGNESS. You should know why you wake up and get out of bed everyday, you should know why you eat, why you work, and why you exercise every day.
Again the knowledge of KNOWINGNESS – for every action you do, it has to have power and the intention has to be pure and then slowly your actions will not be “routine” and you will start feeling the purpose in your heart.
We are used to our daily routine, our mind jumps from one thing to another. Breathe and slow attention only to the job you are doing now and enjoy it, experience it, and complete it before moving onto your next task. Then, by the end of the day you will feel less tired and more relaxed.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Sand Piles
A reminder again of your breath and to slow down.
I heard a story about a person who visited an ashram and he saw small sand piles that had 20 kids with their heads in the sand piles. An hour passed and their heads were still in the sand. Upon asking the guru, the guru said they are practicing to breathe slowly to gain control of their mind and to concentrate.
Can you imagine breathing in a pile of fine sand, you have to breath so cautiously, stable, and slow in order for the the sand not go in your nose.
Imagine you are surrounded by sand and through slow breathing gain control of your mind ... you will feel relaxed and more focused.
See ya...
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Giving respect to others and yourself is very important. In my housing sub-division, this young couple who we've known for almost five years, are blessed with three beautiful daughters. They are so humble and respectful towards us, which in turn we naturally respect them back in the same manner.
Giving respect is such a soothing and peaceful feeling, because in doing so, you are experiencing that respect yourself. When you give respect to others, you are the one who feels that experience first. Everything you say or give goes through you, because you created that thought inside of you.
THINK again before you speak, for what you are about to say will either give pain, hate, love, or respect....and remember before you speak your words, it will be you that experiences those feelings first. Once again, the choice is in our hand - respect yourself first and give it to others.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Let's begin our inner journey and live our life to the fullest.
Monday, August 2, 2010
we always wish for something or the other, wishing teaches us to know,to find,research,you must first know what to wish for. we just keep doing things ignorantly then we wonder why it didn't happen.
don't do anything ignorantly, do things knowingly! Most of the time we don't pay attention to our sweet little wishes, but when you do things KNOWINGLY, the energy of your whole body goes in that direction.
when you will do things knowingly you will do it right, so one more time be PRESENT, BE AWARE, AND IN THE MOMENT.
take care
love ya
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
our every moment is like blank canvas...we can paint whatever we want....god has given us this power. 95% percent of what happens is our life depends on our reaction to any situation. everyday we come across so many situations, people, problems, etc.....but the way you react and the energy you send off is important...this is what will determine how your canvas will be painted.
i want to mention a girl who is my older son's good friend who lives near his in Symra, GA. she is blessed with two sons. even as a busy mom, whenever i meet her i find that she very much in the moment..very alert..very in it. like everybody else she might be facing rough roads here and there, but the reaction i always get from her is so upbeat and very respectful.
its up to you how you choose to react and what picture you paint.
have a very good day.
take care
love ya
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
story fall in love, live in dreamy state, get married and a beautiful journey of one's life begins. now a days seems like we are more wrapped up in turns....your turn to take the trash out or pick up the laundry, etc. seems like small things happen that lead to people falling out of love. divorces and separations even seem to be very common now a days.
i have a very good friend of mine and she got married 35 yrs ago. like most people she also fell in love, went to movies, giggled, smiled dreaming about their beautiful life together.
life was good and blessed them with a daughter...what more can she ask. then life took a dangerous turn, her husband had a car accident got paralyzed.
its been almost 20 yrs now and still everyday he has to be fed, dressed, shaved and make him to do exercise. they still laugh, joke like a normal couple but now she is the one who is the caretaker and handles the affairs. regardless she still turns to him to ask his opinions, respects all the decisions of her husband. some of their dreams have been shattered and there are very rough days now and then.
what keeps her going?
she has not fallen out of love, she never counts her turn, she just loves him...unconditionally.
take care love ya
Sunday, June 20, 2010
on a daily basis we are not always aware of our breathing. if you have not gone scuba diving, just imagine your self in the middle of the ocean in your diving suit. in the calmness of the ocean only thing you hear is just your breathing and that moment you are fully aware of every breath you take.
we all know how important our each breath is yet we don't pay attention to it.
the more aware you are of your breathing, the more control you have in everything you do.
when you have even 5 minutes, just pay attention to your are alive because of it.
take care
love ya
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
spinal cord
every human being and animal you grows old, but the only species which never shows signs of their age is a snake. a snake remains snake, there is no old know why? because a snake is always making use of his spinal cord...all the vertebrae of the spinal cord. every minute it is rotating. even when it is resting it wraps around the tree.
our spinal cord is part of our central nervous system. we do forget to rotate and make use of our spinal cord. we can likely eliminate so many diseases that we suffer from...we need need to keep moving for better health.
when you are sitting being lazy... think of snakes.
take care
love ya
Thursday, June 10, 2010
if our life is full of gratitude...we are a blessed person. if our life is full of complaints and only complaints...we are failures and we live in misery.
try not to complain.
choice is ours.
today we can choose which life we want. so before you complain....THINK.
take care
love ya
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
create don't complain for when you complain you remain in same state.
every minute we have the power to create whatever we want to.
but i think 75% of our beautiful minutes are wasted to complaints about something and somebody.
accept everyone the way they are and the situation as is.
if you want to change somebody, make change to yourself and everything will fall in it's place.
you have the power to create your own destiny.
take care
love ya
Monday, June 7, 2010
we have the habit on dwelling on our past. we are so involved in not letting our past go, that we lose hold on our future.
we need to learn to live in the PRESENT.
my husband and I hardly have an argument and if we do the next minute he'll ask me where his glasses are? I'll search around to find them and give it to him. my son will look at me and ask "mom, aren't you mad at dad?" I was mad at him a moment ago, and we literally forget we were arguing.
instead of spending time on dwelling or arguing about the problem, express each others issues and spend time on the solution.
today, let's forget about why they said this or that and just enjoy the day.
take care
love ya
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
I have always enjoyed making tents made out of bedsheets, cardboard ramps for the cars while waiting for them to come home from school...watching HE-MAN cartoons with them.... I couldn't wait for the Berenstein Bear's new book to come out so we can read it together...also making rope slide for their G I Joes......
Now I get to do it all over again with my grandsons...with the 2 year old, I'm doing the army crawl, pretending to throw a baseball like a pro, putting myself in "time out" or with my 7 year old, skipping jump rope and sleeping with Jack (my teddy bear) and Jerry (his teddy) --He even makes sure I hold Jack properly when I am climbing the stairs! These past 4 days I have been so wrapped up in being a kid with the that I even forgot to take my medicines, but I am fine.
Monday, May 31, 2010
why me?
JSK...good morning,
If all is going well and then all of sudden we have to face a physical illness (tumor near spine), it is scary. This happened to my son's best friend, who is also very dear to me. He heard about my blog and called me. While we were talking, he said that he wonders sometimes why bad things happen to good people who haven't done anything bad and people in jail who are perfectly healthy end up living to 80yrs old. WHY??
Everybody wonders why me, why me, why me?
We don't know why this happens, but we do have control of how we can live our lives.
I do believe in past karma, but at the same time we are given this wonderful life where we can get rid of any past or present karma. Instead we load on more and more in our current lives. So then how can we be free of any disease, worries, stress, etc?
God has given us these gifts but often we are too busy to use them:
- unconditional love
- forgiveness
- gratitude
- patience
- prayer
Let us open our gifts one at a time and use them.
"Pray.. it has an immeasurable power”
Take care..see ya
Friday, May 28, 2010
only 3 % of DNA in our body is active, 93% are in doormat form. we can make them active by trying everyday to be harmonious with our self and others.
we are not conscious about the harmony in us.
today just be aware of that beautiful rhythm in us and make our day very special.
take care.
see ya
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Reason to Blog
JSK (jai-shri-krishna)
Hello. My name is Nima... a little background about who I am, I moved to the states in 1977 and have lived all around the US, but I have made Atlanta my home for the past 12 years. I am a homemaker and have taken care of my family all my life and now my children are grown up and I want to still share my thoughts with them by keeping in touch through the "computer world."
So why did I start to blog... a few weeks back my niece, Shefalee, visited me and we talked while sipping our tea in the morning. She saw me emailing to my boys which I write to every so often. If I heard something on TV or if I read something on a could be a simple word or phrase and then I add my own thoughts and interpretation. I write to them because I want my boys to stay positive in life even when they are in tough situations in their careers and personal life. It is easy to get caught up in day to day lives and didn't want them to slow down or get tied up with small things that would affect their present or future. I feel we have only today as our gift and we need to make the best of it. My niece inspired me to blog these thoughts that I email to by boys so that everyone can here I am.
"Think what you THINK".... that's what I have named my blog. I feel as if we need to always be aware of what we are thinking.. I hope my words help bring out these true inner thoughts.
If you have any comments or feedback, I'd love to hear from you.... I'll have my first posting up soon!
See ya....