Tuesday, June 22, 2010


jsk...good morning,

story goes....you fall in love, live in dreamy state, get married and a beautiful journey of one's life begins. now a days seems like we are more wrapped up in turns....your turn to take the trash out or pick up the laundry, etc. seems like small things happen that lead to people falling out of love. divorces and separations even seem to be very common now a days.
i have a very good friend of mine and she got married 35 yrs ago. like most people she also fell in love, went to movies, giggled, smiled dreaming about their beautiful life together.
life was good and blessed them with a daughter...what more can she ask. then life took a dangerous turn, her husband had a car accident got paralyzed.
its been almost 20 yrs now and still everyday he has to be fed, dressed, shaved and make him to do exercise. they still laugh, joke like a normal couple but now she is the one who is the caretaker and handles the affairs. regardless she still turns to him to ask his opinions, respects all the decisions of her husband. some of their dreams have been shattered and there are very rough days now and then.
what keeps her going?
she has not fallen out of love, she never counts her turn, she just loves him...unconditionally.

take care love ya

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