Thursday, August 19, 2010

Life's Routines

You hear people say about their lives and their work that “it is okay” or “it is the same” or “it’s boring and routine”, and you hear that from maids, consultants, and doctors. It does not matter what profession the individuals are, a majority of them say they want to do something else.

Everything is the same routine in your daily life…what time you wake up, what time you eat, what time you start and finish work. Every breath you breathe in and every breath you breath out, your daily physical routine is the same and it seems “boring” to you. Have you ever thought about your pure soul that is inside you? You should THINK and FEEL that you are alive, you have experiences everyday that you should feel – it does not have to be boring and routine. You have to create the emotion of love in the things you do, but you can only achieve that when you are in the state of KNOWINGNESS. You should know why you wake up and get out of bed everyday, you should know why you eat, why you work, and why you exercise every day.

Again the knowledge of KNOWINGNESS – for every action you do, it has to have power and the intention has to be pure and then slowly your actions will not be “routine” and you will start feeling the purpose in your heart.

We are used to our daily routine, our mind jumps from one thing to another. Breathe and slow attention only to the job you are doing now and enjoy it, experience it, and complete it before moving onto your next task. Then, by the end of the day you will feel less tired and more relaxed.



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