Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Reason to Blog

JSK (jai-shri-krishna)

Hello. My name is Nima... a little background about who I am, I moved to the states in 1977 and have lived all around the US, but I have made Atlanta my home for the past 12 years. I am a homemaker and have taken care of my family all my life and now my children are grown up and I want to still share my thoughts with them by keeping in touch through the "computer world."

So why did I start to blog... a few weeks back my niece, Shefalee, visited me and we talked while sipping our tea in the morning. She saw me emailing to my boys which I write to every so often. If I heard something on TV or if I read something on a could be a simple word or phrase and then I add my own thoughts and interpretation. I write to them because I want my boys to stay positive in life even when they are in tough situations in their careers and personal life. It is easy to get caught up in day to day lives and didn't want them to slow down or get tied up with small things that would affect their present or future. I feel we have only today as our gift and we need to make the best of it. My niece inspired me to blog these thoughts that I email to by boys so that everyone can here I am.

"Think what you THINK".... that's what I have named my blog. I feel as if we need to always be aware of what we are thinking.. I hope my words help bring out these true inner thoughts.

If you have any comments or feedback, I'd love to hear from you.... I'll have my first posting up soon!

See ya....




  1. Your sons sound amazing :) .... glad you decided to do this Mom!

  2. Nicee...this is good..i will get the news about the world via nimaba...cuz i only watch desi channels and i feel i dont know what goes on in the world..i just found out about the BP spill yesterday..i will keep reading your blogs...JSK.

  3. Lovely idea!!! You have to be one of our coolest Aunts :)
