Thursday, December 30, 2010

7 kinds of thoughts

JSK...good morning,

Heard this this morning and it's so true.

We live our life in these seven thoughts. It's a journey of our whole life, and we are the only one who creates these thoughts. Which thought to put into action is in our hands.

1.toxic thoughts (anger,fear,jealousy)
2.negative thoughts (despair,illness,seeing fault of others)
3.waste thoughts (example while studying, thinking of playing)
4.necessary thoughts (example if you want to cook you have to think )
5,right thoughts (see the situation as it is,don't exaggerate)
6.positive thoughts (you think positively about everything)
7.elevated thoughts (these thoughts have positive energy within them )
spiritual thoughts.

Its up to you what kind of thoughts you want to think... the choice is as always yours. Be aware of what you are thinking and you will be amazed with your thoughts and you will see the change.

Just try it and see.

Think what you think.
Think beautiful
Think big
Think forgiving

Love you,

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Titanic thoughts

JSK...good morning,

When you see a good movie, you'll may think it was good but you will probably forget it in a few months. But when you see a great, high intense, emotional movie where you were engaged and thought and felt every aspect of the movie, such as Titanic, you will remember it forever.

We get so into our daily routine, social life, family and friends that we forget to think consciously about ourselves. We sometimes don't even think from our own mind as we have become so mindless that whatever someone says, we just go with that.

We hear more about heart attacks nowadays because our hearts respond to what our mind thinks and of course it responds more when our minds are emotionally engaged. For example, heart attacks generally occur due to an improper diet and lack of exercise, but if we conscientiously thought about what we eat and the importance of exercise, our hearts would follow our minds and we'd take better care of our health.

Our nerves form a gang line and make a circuit, and when we think, the thought is created in our body and passes through this circuit. If it's an emotionally intense thought in which we've used our mind and heart to think, the thought will pass through the circuit and embed in our brain, which we will remember for a long time.

My point here is to not think mindlessly in your decisions. Be aware of what you think, because if you take time to connect with your mind and heart (like in Titanic), you will make a conscientious decision instead of just "going with the flow"...which you might regret the next day or later in life.

Start with a simple step every night....when you charge your cell phone, don't forget to charge yourself. Take 5 minutes and quiet your mind, erase any of the negative messages of the day and charge yourself with the positive messages, so you can be ready for the next day. So tonight...have a good night, shub raatri and shubba khier.

take care,
love you,

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Head on

JSK...good morning,

When you hear that some kind of virus is spreading, or a storm is coming or when you see another driver coming towards you....what do you do? We protect ourselves - we get vaccinated for the virus, stay indoors when the storm in coming, and move out of the way to avoid a car accident.

We always try to protect our self physically (outer self)but we forget to take care of our inner self. Whenever we are emotionally hurt, we go "head on" with the situation. "He said this"..."she said that"..."i am going to get him"..."he hurt me"...."i am also going to do it so he will know how it feels". Even worse, we withdraw and keep our issues inside of us.

We keep thinking "what should i do so he/she can understand?" We always forget to think about ourselves and take care of our inner-self. If someone says something that affects you, ask yourself if you want to go "head on" with the situation or find another way to take care and protect yourself. There will be situations that you will have to go "head on", but there will also be situations that will be like a virus, a storm, or an oncoming car, and you do not have to go "head on" to protect yourself.

Take care
Love ya


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Forgive and Forget

JSK..good morning,

There was this girl who was known to be able to talk to God.
There was this very skeptical priest who heard about her and challenged her to ask God about three sins he committed which only the Priest and God would know about. The girl prayed for five minutes and said, "God told me that he forgave you and forgot your sins 20 years ago."

The point is, we keep holding onto our wrong doing in the past,or we keep holding onto a grudge from the past.....we should forgive ourselves and others and move on and look towards the future.

We cannot change our past, it's better to forgive and forget it, and live in the present.

Love ya,

inside= outside---outside= inside

JSK..good morning,

We always wonder "Am I doing everything right? Why am I not getting results?" Whether it's with our job, friends, spouse, teacher, students, parents...........

Whatever we are feeling inside should be on the outside and whatever we are expressing outside, should also be on the inside. For instance; your thoughts, your speech and your emotions should express the same thing.

So, whatever you are doing give that moment your utmost attention and your very best. Make that moment the best and then next minute is going to be best and the next even better.

love u